GERLIEVA Sprühtechnik GmbH
Peak performance
We are able to offer our customers excellent service with our customized system solutions. Our product range and the quality
of our products and services are aiming for cost-effectiveness, technical and social competence and environment-consciousness;
all this facilitates customer satisfaction and long-term success of the company in competitive markets.
We want to continuously optimize the quality of products and services for the benefit of our customers, always taking into account the technical,
ecological and economic requirements of the market. Environmentally friendly solutions are an especially high priority for GERLIEVA,
which is reflected in the quality and user friendliness of our products, as well as their long product service life.
In additon, we always consider all resources needed for the use of the product.
It is our goal to produce high-quality and cost-effective plants and systems. In addition, the economic benefits go hand in hand
with our responsibility for the health and safety of humans, and the protection, conservation and care for the environment and its resources.
The environmental impact of our activities is continuously monitored, documented, evaluated and reduced to its lowest possible minimum.
We hold the trust of our customers in high regard. Our employees are aware of this when working with a great deal of personal responsibility,
decision making skills and their natural strive for personal success; to this end they apply all their talents and capabilities
to the fullest in each of their selected functions. Each employee is required to support our quality assurance and environmental
protection policies in his/her respective field and thus contributes to the success of the company.
We observe, as much as possible and economically viable, all ecological criteria in the procurement of raw and auxiliary materials;
the same holds for our design, packaging and the delivery of our products and services.
We prefer suppliers, which give the protection of the environment a similarly high place on the agenda as we do.
Binding commitments
We observe all relevant and for us binding obligations, and in addition commit to continuously improve our environmental performance.
The guideline for our environmental protection efforts is always the best available and most economically relevant technology.
Continuous improvement
We constantly develop our processes and our team within the context of our continuous improvement system.
The management and all employees make a commitment to implement all regulations as outlined.Quality management system ISO 9001 and Environmental management system ISO 14001